Game Changing Insight

Intuitive Dashboards For Financial Visionaries

Our dashboards help financially savvy offices improve business agility and provide dynamic insight into their customers' finances for increased clarity and certainty.

Immediately view the impacts of acquisitions, divestitures, and all other changes to your clients' portfolio.  The dashboards provide deep, robust insight into assets for strategic planning and growth. Guard and grow your clients' wealth with deeper, actionable insight.



Anywhere Access

Pragmatic Dashboards for Financial Firms
Below is an example of each dashboard component. Click the images to enlarge.


View recent tax history in an easy format for tax planning
and assessment of strategic opportunities. 

Wholistic Investment

Quickly see a consolidated view of investment holdings
across different accounts and asset classes.​​​​

Dynamic Investment Growth

Holistically assess the performance of investments by dynamic
dimensions such as account taxability and asset class. 

Consolidated Business

Gauge active business holdings via insightful snapshots, including
items such as their fair market values and amount of leverage. 

Other Assets

Incorporate other assets when analyzing financial
goals to get a truer picture of overall wealth. 

Other Financial Factors 

Visualize other factors instrumental in ongoing wealth creation and protection,
such trusts, insurance coverages, and outstanding liabilities. 

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